Personality change after ‘flow diverter implantation’ for intracranial aneurysm in a patient with stroke: A case report
Brain Injury 2023
Subasi H, Isman-Haznedaroglu D, Eroglu S, Erdogan Y, Eker MC, Gonul AS
Abnormal global signal topography of self modulates emotion dysregulation in major depressive disorder
Translational Psychiatry 2023
Keskin K, Eker MC, Gonul AS, Northoff G
Diverse Task Classification from Activation Patterns of Functional Neuro-Images Using Feature Fusion Module
Sensors 2023
Biskin OT, Candemir C, Gonul AS, Selver MA
Automatic Detection of Emotional Changes Induced by Social Support Loss Using fMRI
Candemir C., Gonul A. S., Selver M. A.
Structural brain alterations associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people: results from 21 international studies from the ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours consortium
Molecular Psychiatry 2022
Structural and Functional Brain Alterations in Populations with Familial Risk for Depression: A Narrative Review
Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2022
Burhanoglu B., Gonul A. S.
The Role of Educational Attainment and Brain Morphology in Major Depressive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Consortium
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science 2022
Emotional Context Effect On Recognition Of Varying Facial Emotion Expression İntensities İn Depression
Journal Of Affective Disorders 2022
Yildirim-Celik H., Eroglu S., Erdogan Y., Gonul A. S.
Efficacy Of Citalopram On Stroke Recurrence: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Journal Of Clinical Neuroscience 2022
Cetin Fe., Kumral E., Gönül A.S.
The Emerging Role Of Spect Functional Neuroimaging İn Schizophrenia And Depression
Frontiers İn Psychiatry 2021
Kalyoncu A., Gönül A.S.
Structural Brain Alterations Associated With Suicidal Thoughts And Behaviors İn Young People: Results Across 21 İnternational Studies From The Enıgma Suicidal Thoughts And Behaviours Consortium
Medrxiv 2021
Demır A., Gönül A.S.
Concurrent Validity And Reliability Of Suicide Risk Assessment İnstruments: A Meta Analysis Of 20 İnstruments Across 27 İnternational Cohorts
Medrxiv 2021
Demır A., Gönül A.S.
A Longitudinal Study Of Lateral Ventricle Volumes İn Deficit And Non-Deficit Schizophrenia
Psychıatry Research-Neuroımagıng 2021
Hepdurgun C., Karakoç G., Nazlı I.P., Ozalay O., Eroglu S., Erdogan Y., Kitiş Ö., Gönül A.S.
Automatic Detection Of Emotional Changes Induced By Social Support Loss Using Fmrı
Ieee Transactions On Affective Computing 2021
Candemır C., Gönül A.S., Selver M.A.
Brain Areas Associated With Resilience To Depression İn High-Risk Young Women
Braın Structure & Functıon 2021
Burhanoglu B.B., Dinçer G., Yılmaz A., Ozalay O., Uslu O., Unaran E., Kitiş Ö., Gönül A.S.
Intelligence, Educational Attainment, And Brain Structure İn Those At Familial High-Risk For Schizophrenia Or Bipolar Disorder
Human Braın Mappıng 2020
Zwarte S.M.C.D., Brouwer R.M., Agartz I., Alda M., Alonso-Lana S., Bearden C.E., Bertolıno A., Bonvıno A., Gonul A. S.
The Negative Association Between Amygdala Volume And Harm Avoidance Trait İn Healthy Young Women With A History Of Familial Depression
Asıan Journal Of Psychıatry 2020
Unaran E., Burhanoglu B.B., Haznedaroğlu D.İ., Ozalay O., Tunay S., Kitiş Ö., Gönül A.S.
The Association Between Familial Risk And Brain Abnormalities Is Disease Specific: An Enıgma-Relatives Study Of Schizophrenia And Bipolar Disorder.
Biological Psychiatry 2019
De Z., Brouwer R., Agartz I., Alda M., Aleman A., Alpert K., Bearden C., Bertolıno A., Gonul A.S.
Extended-Release Trazodone İn The Treatment Of Major Depressive Disorder
Anatolıan Journal Of Psychıatry 2019
Karamustafalıoglu O., Dılbaz N., Caykoylu A., Alkın T., Gönül A.S., Atmaca M.
Classification Of Patients With Bipolar Disorder And Their Healthy Siblings From Healthy Controls Using Mrı
Ieee Xplore 2019
Gönül A.S., Eker M.Ç., Kıtış Ö., Demırel H., Çığdem Ö., Oğuz K., Horuz E., Soyak R.
How Should We Phrase The Depression That İs Not Responding To Antidepressants? Treatment-Refractory Or Treatment-Resistant
Journal Of Affectıve Dısorders 2019
Gönül A.S.
Bilateral Keratoconus, Acute Hydrops And Unilateral Corneal Perforation Due To Tourette Syndrome
Saudi Journal Of Ophthalmology 2019
Palamar M., Dıncer G., Teker M.E., Kayahan B., Gönül A.S.
Genetic İmaging Study With Trodat-1 Spect İn Adolescents With Adhd Using Oros-Methylphenidate.
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 2018
Akay A., Kaya G., Kose S., Yazıcıoğlu Ç., Erkuran H., Güney S., Oğuz K., Keskın D., Gonul A.S.
Effect Of Acute Stress On Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease And Functional Heartburn
Neurogastroenterology And Motılıty 2018
Kıpcak S., Polat I., Gönül A.S., Bor S.
Hippocampal Shape Alterations İn Healthy Young Women With Familial Risk For Unipolar Depression
Comprehensıve Psychıatry 2018
Durmuşoğlu E., Uğurlu O., Akan S., Şimşek F., Kızılateş G., Kitiş Ö., Ozkul B.A., Eker C., Gonul A.S.
Comorbidity Of Psychotic Disorder And Substance Use Disorder İn A Psychiatry İnpatient Unit: A Retrospective Study
Turkısh Journal Of Clınıcal Psychıatry 2018
Aldemır E., Baklacı U., Gönül A.S.
Neural Activation During Cognitive Reappraisal İn Girls At High Risk For Depression
Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Bıologıcal Psychıatry 2017
Şimşek F., Oğuz K., Kitiş Ö., Akan S.T., Kempton M.J., Gönül A.S.
Robust Activation Detection Methods For Real-Time And Offline Fmrı Analysis.
Computer Methods And Programs İn Biomedicine 2017
Oguz K., Cınsdıkıcı M., Gonul A.S.
The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma, Emotion Recognition, And İrritability İn Schizophrenia Patients
Psychıatry Research 2017
Bilgi M.M., Taşpınar S., Aksoy B., Oğuz K., Coburn K., Gonul A.S.
What Should Psychiatrists Know About Hpa Axis Dysfunction And Altered Cortisol Levels İn Major Depression?
Austin Psychiatry 2017
Gönül A.S., Aksoy B., Eker M.Ç., Coburn K.L.
Nöroleptik Kullanımına Bağlı Tardif Diskinezi Gelişen Bir Hasta: Olgu Sunumu
Smyrna Tıp Dergisi 2017
Örs O.P., Tokdemir M., Perçinel İ., Belirgan S., Gökdağ C., Öngel K., Gönül A.S.
Differential Diagnosis Of Psychotic Disorderwith High Creatine Kinase And Subfebrile Fever:A Case Report
Azerbaijan Medical Association Journal 2017
Örüm M.H., Kafalı H.Y., Bildik T., Kara M.Z., Gönül A.S., Erermiş H.S., Dalkılıç M.
Cortisol Response Patterns İn Depressed Women And Their Healthy Daughters At Risk Comparison With Healthy Women And Their Daughters.
Journal Of Psychiatric Research, 85, 66-74. 2017
Gönül Ali Saffet,Çetinkalp Şevki,Tunay Şebnem,Polat Irmak,Şimşek Fatma,Aksoy Burcu,Kızılateş Gözde,Erdoğan Yiğit,Coburn Kerry
Validation Of Turkish Version Of Brief Negative Symptom Scale.
International Journal Of Psychiatry İn Clinical Practice, 20(4), 265-271. 2016
Polat Irmak,Ergül Ceylan,Aydemir Ömer,Chandoke Swatı,Üçok Vehbi Alp,Gönül Ali Saffet
Cortical Thickness And Vbm İn Young Women At Risk For Familial Depression And Their Depressed Mothers With Positive Family History.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 252, 1-9. 2016
Özalay Özgün,Aksoy Burcu,Tunay Şebnem,Şimşek Fatma,Chandhokı Swatı,Kitiş Ömer,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Gönül Ali Saffet
Valence Based Word Face Stroop Task Reveals Differential Emotional İnterference İn Patients With Major Depression.
Psychiatry Research, 229(3), 960-967. 2015
Başgöze Zeynep,Gönül Ali Saffet,Başkak Bora,Gökçay Didem
The Common Brain Structures Correlated With Personality Traits İn Healthy Mothers And Their Daughters.
Klınık Psıkofarmakolojı Bultenı-Bulletın Of Clınıcal Psychopharmacology, 25(3), 213 2015
Bilgi Mustafa Melih,Şimşek Fatma,Tunay Akan Şebnem,Aksoy Burcu,Kitiş Ömer,Gönül Ali Saffet
Brain Regions Associated With Risk And Resistance For Bipolar I Disorder A Voxel Based Mrı Study Of Patients With Bipolar Disorder And Their Healthy Siblings.
Bipolar Disorders, 16(3), 249-261. 2014
Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Şimşek Fatma,Yılmazer Evrim Ebru,Kitiş Ömer,Çınar Cem,Eker Donat Özlem,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
The Relationship Between The Anterior Corpus Callosum Size And Prefrontal Cortex Volume İn Drug Free Depressed Patients.
Journal Of Affective Disorders, 146(2), 281-285. 2013
Özalay Özgün,Çallı Mehmet Cem,Kitiş Ömer,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Eker Donat Özlem,Ozan Erol,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
Altered Hippocampal Formation Shape İn First Episode Depressed Patients At 5 Year Follow Up.
Journal Of Psychiatric Research, 47(1), 50-55. 2013
Işıklı Serhan,Uğurlu Onur,Durmuşoğlu Ece,Kızılateş Gözde,Kitiş Ömer,Ozan Erol,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
Computer Based Classification Of Mr Scans İn First Time Applicant Alzheimer Patients.
Current Alzheimer Research, 9(7), 789-794. 2012
Polat Fatma,Demirel Selçuk Orhan,Gönül Ali Saffet
Reduced Left Uncinate Fasciculus Fractional Anisotropy İn Deficit Schizophrenia But Not İn Non Deficit Schizophrenia.
Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences, 66(1), 34-43. 2012
Kitiş Ömer,Özalay Özgün,Zengin Burçak E,Haznedaroğlu Damla,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Yalvaç Dilek,Oğuz Kaya,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
Gray Matter Changes İn Patients With Deficit Schizophrenia And Non Deficit Schizophrenia.
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 23(4), 237-246. 2012
Özdemir H İ,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Zengin B,Yılmaz D A,İşman Haznedaroğlu Damla,Çınar Cem,Kitiş Ömer,Akay A,Gönül Ali Saffet
Reduced Reward Related Probability Learning İn Schizophrenia Patients.
Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment, 8, 27-34. 2012
Yılmaz Alpaslan,Şimşek Fatma,Gönül Ali Saffet
Association Of The Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66met Polymorphism With Hippocampus Volumes İn Drug Free Depressed Patients.
World Journal Of Biological Psychiatry, 12(2), 110-118. 2011
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kitiş Ömer,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Eker Donat Özlem,Coburn Kerry
Smaller Hippocampus Volume Is Associated With Short Variant Of 5 Httlpr Polymorphism İn Medication Free Major Depressive Disorder Patients.
Neuropsychobiology, 63(1), 22-28. 2011
Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Kitiş Ömer,Okur H,Eker Donat Özlem,Ozan Erol,Işıklı Serhan,Akarsu N,Gönül Ali Saffet
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 22(4), 213-221. 2011
Kitiş Ömer,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Zengin Esma Burçak,Akyılmaz Dinçer Aydın,Yalvaç Dilek,Özdemir Halil İbrahim,Haznedaroğlu İşman Damla,Bilgi Mustafa Melih,Gönül Ali Saffet
Correlation Of Serum Bdnf Levels With Hippocampal Volumes İn First Episode Medication Free Depressed Patients.
European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience, 260(7), 527-533. 2010
Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Kitiş Ömer,Taneli Fatma,Eker Donat Özlem,Ozan Erol,Yücel Şefik Kaan,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
Small Frontal Gray Matter Volume İn First Episode Depression Patients.
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 21(3), 185-194. 2010
Bilgi Mustafa Melih,Özalay Özgün,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Kitiş Ömer,Ozan Erol,Eker Özlem,Şimşek Fatma,Haznedaroğlu İşman Damla,Gönül Ali Saffet
Volumetric Mrı Studies Of The Hippocampus İn Major Depressive Disorder Meanings Of İnconsistency And Directions For Future Research.
World Journal Of Biological Psychiatry, 11(1), 1-17. 2010
Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Gönül Ali Saffet
The Effect Of Depression Bdnf Gene Val66met Polymorphism And Gender On Serum Bdnf Levels.
Brain Research Bulletin, 81(1), 61-65. 2010
Ozan Erol,Okur H,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Eker Özlem Donat,Gönül Ali Saffet,Akarsu N
The Effects Of The Duration Of Formal Education On Adult Brain A Voxel Based Morphometry Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Using Exponentiated Lie Algebra Dartel Study.
Bulletin Of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 19, 221-226. 2009
Gönül Ali Saffet,Demirel Orhan,Kitiş Ömer,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Eker Donat Özlem,Ozan Erol
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Stress And Depression A Minireview.
Brain Research Bulletin, 78(6), 267- 269. 2009
Yuluğ Burak,Ozan Erol,Gönül Ali Saffet,Kılıç Ertuğrul
Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolic Receptor And Transporter Changes İn Bipolar Disorder The Role Of Pet And Spect Studies.
International Review Of Psychiatry, 21(4), 323-335. 2009
Gönül Ali Saffet,Coburn Kerry,Kula Mustafa
No Pituitary Gland Volume Change İn Medication Free Depressed Patients.
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry, 32(7), 1628-1632. 2008
Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Ovalı Yılmaz Gülgün,Ozan Erol,Eker Donat Özlem,Kitiş Ömer,Coburn Kerry,Gönül Ali Saffet
The Effects Of Magnesium Prophylaxis İn Migraine Without Aura.
Magnesium Research, 21(2), 101-108. 2008
Köseoğlu Emel,Talaşlıoğlu Abdullah,Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa
The Effect Of Previous Psychotic Mood Episodes On Cognitive İmpairment İn Euthymic Bipolar Patients.
Bipolar Disorders, 9(5), 468-477. 2007
Bora Emre,Vahip Simavi,Akdeniz Fisun,Gönül Ali Saffet,Eryavuz Ayşe,Ogut Melisa,Alkan Müge
P50 Variations İn Behcet`S Patients Without Neurologic Findings.
Neurosciences (Riyadh), 12(1), 50-52. 2007
Aşçıoğlu Meral,Arslan Mustafa,Süer Cem,Aşçıoğlu Özcan,Özesmi Çiğdem,Borlu Murat,Çoşkun Abdülhakim,Gönül Ali Saffet,Köseoğlu Emel
Reduced Hippocampal Volume İn Drug Free Depressed Patients.
Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy, 28(1), 82-87. 2006
Saylam Canan,Üçerler Hülya,Kitiş Ömer,Ozan Erol,Gönül Ali Saffet
The Effect Of Antidepressant Treatment On N Acetyl Aspartate Levels Of Medial Frontal Cortex İn Drug Free Depressed Patients.
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry, 30(1), 120-125. 2006
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kitiş Ömer,Ozan Erol,Akdeniz Fisun,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Eker Donat Özlem,Vahip Simavi
Effect Of Treatment On Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels İn Depressed Patients.
European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience, 255(6), 381-386. 2005
Gönül Ali Saffet,Akdeniz Fisun,Taneli Fatma,Donat Özlem,Eker Mehmet Çağdaş,Vahip Simavi
Evidence For Theory Of Mind Deficits İn Euthymic Patients With Bipolar Disorder.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 112(2), 110-116. 2005
Bora E,Vahip Simavi,Gönül Ali Saffet,Akdeniz F,Alkan M,Ogut M,Eryavuz A
The Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Changes İn Major Depressive Disorder With And Without Psychotic Features.
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry, 28(6), 1015-1021. 2004
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Bilgin Arzu Güler,Tutuş Ahmet,Oğuz Aslan
Is There A Relationship Between Mood Disorders And Affective Temperaments.
Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 15(3), 183-190. 2004
Akdeniz Fisun,Kesebir Sermin,Vahip Simavi,Gönül Ali Saffet
Low Serum Levels Of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor İn Patients With Schizophrenia Do Not Elevate After Antipsychotic Treatment.
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry, 28(4), 709-713. 2004
Pırıldar Şebnem,Gönül Ali Saffet,Taneli Fatma,Akdeniz Fisun
The Effect Of Venlafaxine Treatment On The Bereitschaftspotential İn Depressed Patients
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 13, 205 2003
Gönül Ali Saffet,Süer Cem,Oğuz A,Ozesmi C
A Tc-99m Hmpao Spect Study Of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow İn Drug-Free Schizophrenic Patients With Deficit And Non-Deficit Syndrome.
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 123(3), 199-205. 2003
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Eşel Ertuğrul,Tutuş Ahmet,Sofuoğlu Seher
Effects Of Olanzapine On Auditory P300 İn Schizophrenia.
Progress İn Neuro- Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry, 27(1), 173-177. 2003
Gönül Ali Saffet,Suer Cem,Coburn Kerry,Ozesmi Çiğdem,Oğuz Aslan,Yılmaz Alpaslan
P300 Changes İn Major Depressive Disorders With And Without Psychotic Features.
Journal Of Affective Disorders, 73(3), 283-287. 2003
Karaaslan Mehmet Fatih,Gönül Ali Saffet,Oğuz Aslan,Erdoğan Erdinç,Eşel Ertuğrul
Tc 99 Hmpao Spect Study Of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow İn Olanzapine Treated Schizophrenic Patients.
European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience, 253(1), 29-33. 2003
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Sofuoğlu Seher,Tutuş Ahmet,Eşel Ertuğrul
Mechanism Of Actions Of Antidepressants: Beyond The Receptors
Bulletin Of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 12, 194-200. 2002
Yıldız Ayşegül,Gönül Ali Saffet,Tamam Lut
Endophenotype Assessments İn A Large Schizophrenia Pedigree.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 12(2), 261 2002
Özer S,Gönül Ali Saffet,Ulusoy S,Heutınk P,Claes S,Akarsu A N,Uluşahin A
Progress İn Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 26, 1171-1175. 2002
Esel Ertuğrul,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Kula Mustafa,Reyhancan Mustafa,Gönül Ali Saffet,Baştürk Mustafa,Sofuoğlu Seher
Alcohol And Alcoholism : İnternational Journal Of The Medical Council On Alcoholism, 37(3), 272-276. 2002
Eşel Ertuğrul,Köse Sema Kader,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Baştürk Mustafa,Sofuoğlu Seher,Aslan Suat Sabri,Yabanoğlu İhsan,Gönül Ali Saffet
Effects Of Lithium Treatment On Granulocytes And Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor İn Patients With Bipolar Affective Disorder
Bulletin Of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11, 28-32. 2001
Eşel Ertuğrul,Özdemir Mehmet Akif,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Baştürk Mustafa,Kılıç Hüseyin,Köse Sema Kader,Gönül Ali Saffet,Sofuoğlu Seher
Effects Of Olanzapine And Haloperidol On Serum Prolactin Levels İn Male Schizophrenic Patients.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 26(6), 641- 647. 2001
Esel Ertuğrul,Baştürk Mustafa,Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Yabanoğlu İhsan,Sofuoğlu Seher
Effects Of Ect On Hypothalamic Pituitary Activity Tsh Gh Acth And Prl.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 227-228. 2001
Esel E,Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Reyhancan M,Yabanoğlu I,Baştürk Mustafa,Sofuoğlu S
Regional Cbf Changes With Risperidone İn Schizophrenic Patients: Comparison With Haloperidol
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 281-282. 2001
Gönül Ali Saffet,Kula Mustafa,Oğuz A,Tutuş Ahmet,Yabanoğlu I,Sofuoğlu S
Lithium İnduced Alterations İn Parathormone Function İn Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Bulletın Of Clınıcal Psychopharmacology, 11(2), 96-100. 2001
Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Eşel Ertuğrul,Tutuş Ahmet,Sofuoğlu Seher,Gönül Ali Saffet
The Effects Of Ect On Csf Levels Of Hva And 5-Hıaa İn Drug-Naive Schizophrenic Patients
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 282. 2001
Oğuz A,Tangör A,Gönül Ali Saffet
Auditory Evoked Potentials İn Behcet’s Patients
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 326-327. 2001
Arslan M,Aşçıoğlu M,Süer Cem,Özesmi C,Borlu Murat,Aşçıoğlu O,Coşkun A,Gönül Ali Saffet,Köseoğlu Emel
Negative And Positive Symptoms: İn Relation To Regional Cerebral Blood Flow İn Drug-Free Schizophrenic Patients
Bulletın Of Clınıcal Psychopharmacology, 10(2), 57-63. 2000
Eşel Ertuğrul,Kula Mustafa,Gönül Ali Saffet,Tutuş Ahmet,Baştürk Mustafa,Turan Mustafa Tayfun,Sofuoğlu Seher,Yılmaz Serkan
The Effects Of Olanzapine A Novel Antipsychotic On Auditory Event Related Potentials İn Schizophrenia.
Bulletin Of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 10(1), 1-8. 2000
Gönül Ali Saffet,Süer Cem,Oğuz Aslan,Özesmi Çiğdem,Yılmaz Alpaslan,Yabanoğlu İhsan
Selective Serotonin Reuptake İnhibitors Discontinuation Rates Due To Side Effects.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 9, 215. 1999
Gönül Ali Saffet,Yabanoğlu İhsan,Reyhancan M,Oğuz Aslan
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 83(3), 169-177. 1998
Tutuş Ahmet,Şimşek Aytül,Sofuoğlu Seher,Nardali Mehmet,Kuğu Nesim,Karaaslan Mehmet Fatih,Gönül Ali Saffet
Biological Psychiatry, 43(12), 923-928. 1998
Tutuş Ahmet,Kuğu Nesim,Sofuoğlu Seher,Nardali Mehmet,Şimşek Aytül,Karaaslan Mehmet Fatih,Gönül Ali Saffet